Philadelphia Freedom Zapped Misinformation Right Between the Eyes
The Elton John classic hit song Philadelphia Freedom goes: “I like livin' easy without family ties,'til the whippoorwill of freedom zapped me right between the eyes.”
The past twelve years have given Philadelphia Freedom to myself, and now Americans are beginning to fight for, and experience, some Philadelphia Freedom of their own. Specifically, in my own case and that of America, we are feeling freedom from propaganda. And while clearing up propaganda can be an arduous task, it doesn’t have to be when you transform it into an artistic journey.
From the Day that I was Born, I Waved the Flag
I was born in Philadelphia – and saying this has power way beyond what meets the eye. As probably one of the reasons I am so passionate about propaganda is because I experienced it through my own story and origins. In order for readers to fully understand, let me explain. It seemed that growing up and in my twenties that everyone close to me, especially some family members, seemed to spin the story of who my real father is to fit their preferred narrative.
It took years, well actually decades, for me to fully comprehend and face the truth, and see the bigger picture of what really happened. My mother and I were really the only ones that ever knew the truth (even though it took her some time to finally divulge it to me when I was around twelve), or ever heard the full, true story. No one else really even cared to learn it, and instead made up their own narrative to fit their interests.
I just got very accustomed to the identity of my father being such a hush-hush thing growing up, like he must have been some monster, and I heard that he wasn’t around most of my childhood because he “abandoned” me. Even though deep down I knew this wasn’t true, I heard it and didn’t say anything so many times as if I began to believe it.
Of course, I would not consider him, or probably any other parent or person on this planet, a perfect man that handled everything in the most upright manner. But the cold, hard truth was that after him and my mother were caught having an affair by his wife, he left his family for my mom. And 3 years later, when I was six months old, my mother left him. Then he was coming to visit me, and even asked my mom to marry him, but she said no because it was too late by then. Their problems were their problems.
But he never had any intention on ditching out on his parental duties, hence why he was coming to visit me. He would have paid child support, yet my mother finally asked him to please walk away and to sign away his rights and she won’t ask him for any money.
There were other members of the family that were making it very difficult for him, and I believe this to be true because of how they acted with my stepfather that raised me, and from various things both my real father and mother told me. And, by the way, he had three other kids who he needed to worry about, and who didn’t have wealthy grandparents as I did. Getting involved in a court battle to try to get custody of me may not have been the best choice for my father, his other kids that needed him, or myself, given all of this. To sum it up, things were way more complicated than anyone cared to understand.
My mother and him have both confirmed this story one hundred percent, and they have never had a different one. But you would never have known it if you talked to anyone else around me.
When I was approximately twelve years old, and finally got the real story of who my father was from my mother, my mother said she was sorry, and I could meet him if I wanted. I was very dedicated to my schoolwork and was worried about the feelings of his other kids, and at twelve years old I believed the best decision would be to wait until I graduate college, so it doesn’t screw up my grades. My line of thinking was, God forbid that if when I met him things didn’t go well for some reason and I became an emotional wreck, that somehow would negatively impact my future.
Coming Home: The Reunion with my Father
Fast forward 10 years or so, and at 23 years old I found his phone number rather easily online, called him up and we met in his hometown of Rehoboth Beach, Delaware. Immediately I had answers to where my eccentricities came from, and why I was told my whole life I would be a writer, since he was a very eccentric, creative, unique individual who was a leader, not a follower. The qualities that always made me an outcast growing up, that I believed back then indicated there was something “wrong” with me, were the qualities he wore with pride.
Getting to know him helped me grow into and accept who I am. And I am so glad I met him when I did, because he ended up dying of pancreatic cancer five years later.
Before I continue with the rest of personal journey to Philadelphia Freedom, and how Elton John’s fantastic hit song ties in, I want to parallel my story with what’s going on involving the OTHER misinformation occurring in Philadelphia, and Pennsylvania as a whole.
I have been researching and writing about the election fraud in Pennsylvania and other states all year (it’s a fact, there is massive evidence, all you need to do is take the time to go through it, though that can be an exhausting undertaking not for the faint of heart). In this series of articles, I will tie in my multifaceted personal journey cutting through the propaganda of my origins with the details of and current status of the call for a full forensic audit in Pennsylvania, and the details of the fraud that occurred and have been uncovered over the past year in the very state I originated in.
Behizy: Grassroots Patriot on the Ground
The state of Pennsylvania has gotten the go-ahead for their full forensic audit of the 2020 election. But as it seems to be the pattern throughout the country this year, they have been met with more than their share of obstacles and delays.
The 18-year old citizen journalist I interviewed last year, named Behizy, who is a huge inspiration and extremely entertaining, put out a video on January 12 announcing a Pennsylvania lower court judge’s decision to move forward with the audit in Pennsylvania. Behizy was in shock, saying, “I was expecting the subpoenas to be stopped, the court to declare the attorney general and the governor are correct, to stop the audit from happening, even though the Senate and the entire legislature as a whole has direct jurisdiction when it comes to election matters as we know in the Constitution.”
And what is that language, exactly? “Article I, Section 4, Clause 1: ‘The times, places and manner of holding elections for senators and representatives shall be prescribed in each state by the legislature thereof.’ Sounds like pretty clear language to me,” said Behizy.
Behizy has thoroughly investigated the entire election audit movement, being on the ground and giving concerned citizens and political candidates like Liz Taylor of Arizona and Kandiss Taylor of Georgia a platform when they were gathering evidence through things like canvassing, FOIA requests and pulling tabulator tapes. He was eventually kicked off YouTube which wasn’t surprising, since that social media platform has done everything possible to censor coverage of the election audits.
According to Behizy, this judge’s decision means that “a giant roadblock has been removed from the audit and maybe we can finally get some truth about the 2020 election in Pennsylvania.” And since there were so many irregularities found in Arizona, which is a seasoned mail-in ballot state, Behizy said he’s “curious as to what we’re going to find in a state like Pennsylvania, that wasn’t the most seasoned mail-in ballot state around.” Regarding how hard people like the Pennsylvania attorney general and governor, and Dominion Voting Machines have been fighting to prevent this audit from going forward, Behizy quipped that “to be fair, they did the same thing in Arizona, and it probably gave them the time to cover up the voter rolls and what they really did in the 2020 election.”
The Pre-Full Forensic Audit Shuffle in Pennsylvania: Starring Josh Shapiro and Dominion Voting Machines
According to the Gateway Pundit, what made this decision made by the judge on January 10 a breakthrough was that he ruled against the pleas from Dominion Voting Machines to block subpoenas to investigate their voting equipment. But Dominion Voting Machines aren’t the only party fighting to stop this full forensic audit in the state of Pennsylvania.
Since before the 2020 election, Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro has made it clear that he would not bend the knee to Trump, and claimed that Trump’s efforts to bring in Republican poll watchers were racially motivated. On October 29, 2020, right before the hotly contested election took place, Shapiro told MSNBC that by doing this, Trump was trying to “not just sow doubt in this election process but sow division in the way people vote. And he’s trying to do so because he knows if there’s a straight-up vote, where all votes are counted in Pennsylvania, he’s going to come out on the short end of that.”
Shapiro seemed to already know Trump lost somehow, even though the votes had yet to be counted. Shapiro continued the discussion in reference to Trump:
“He’s going to lose. And so first he went to court to try and make it easier to bus poll watchers in from other counties and quite literally do it in way that intimidates voters in black and brown communities. We beat him on that. And now we’re going to hold anyone accountable who shows up to the polls at President Trump‘s behest or anyone else’s to try and intimidate voters at the polls, particularly in our minority communities. We simply will not allow it.”
And on January 10, while the judge ruled against Dominion Voting Machines’ request to deny Envoy Sage access to the machines, which is the laboratory hired by the Senate perform the full forensic audit, the judge granted Shapiro’s request to withhold voter data from the auditors. Shapiro’s reasoning behind his request to withhold this particular data is that it contained information such as driver’s license and Social Security numbers, which are protected by privacy laws.
So now that January is almost over, what is the current status of the full forensic audit for Pennsylvania? Well, there have been several roadblocks and delays, which has been a common pattern on the path to complete nationwide audits in multiple swing states. We saw this happen in Arizona, but the Senate hung in there, did not give up, and since it is perfectly legal to perform an audit (like it would be in any business), the day came when they were finally able to perform the audit.
Something as important as an audit does not happen overnight, especially if you want it done right. Among these roadblocks were the Supreme Court’s decision to issue a stay on January 14 to halt the investigation of the 2020 election in Pennsylvania, and more court filings made by the state’s Secretary of State, Senate Democrats and Dominion Voting Machines.
Jake Corman from the Pennsylvania Senate Steps Up to the Plate
There are lawmakers, however, such as Pennsylvania Senate Pro Tempore Jake Corman, who are aware of the widespread frustration and doubt in the electoral process that is resonating throughout the population of the Keystone state. In a recent interview with Gateway Pundit, Corman noted how much concern the citizens of Pennsylvania have expressed over how the 2020 election was handled, and he wouldn’t be serving the people if he did not investigate it. He referenced the lack of transparency, along with other glaring issues that made him question whether everything was conducted properly. “It’s clear to me that, you know, [election officials and powers that be] did it in a very partisan fashion, from their advertising and promoting people to vote by mail, to, as I said, pushing dollars to Democrat counties over Republican counties, calling Democratic counties I believe to tell them how to fix ballots which was illegal, to knocking down security measures of signature verification.”
Corman also expressed concern over the many drop boxes created in left-leaning counties, “…which has never been done before in the history of the state of Pennsylvania.” Specifically, he referenced a video that was captured during a primary election in May of 2021, which showed a man stuffing handfuls of ballots into a drop box at the Lackawanna County Government Center.
Another topic that caused the 2020 election outcome in Pennsylvania to be heavily disputed was the reports that Republican poll watchers, including Trump campaign officials such as Corey Lewandowski, were denied entry to oversee what was going on at the polls. The Trump campaign tweeted a No-Entry List of Republican poll watchersfrom the Philly Election Canvass on November 10, 2020. And sure enough, despite the fact that there was no court order, Lewandowski’s name was on that list. When asked about this, Corman told the Gateway Pundit that “…the law allows for people to review and watch, you know, people vote or not vote…or not vote, but at least watch the process, you know, and so when [election officials shut out Republican poll watchers] they just added to their own conspiracy that they’re complaining about.”
The Gateway Pundit went on to ask Corman about the controversy surrounding the certification of the votes for the 2020 presidential election that took place on January 6, 2021. Corman explained how at the time, there were still open court cases involving the handling of the 2020 election and that led to heavy concern among citizens. While these court cases have since been resolved since January 6, back on that particular day they were still open for debate, and yet the votes were still certified.
One of the tactics used by the Pennsylvania Attorney General, Secretary of State and other Pennsylvania officials attempting to prevent the audit from moving forward is to inquire the purpose of the investigation. The Gateway Pundit, a publication started by Jim Hoft and his brother Joe, who was a corporate executive in Hong Kong for a decade and has years of experience in finance, IT, operations and auditing around the world, pointed out that, as far as they know, the Senate does not have a legal obligation to provide any rationale behind their decision to do an audit.
But with that said, I think we could look back over this past year or so and find plenty of reasons one would find it necessary to take a closer look at this election and how the results were determined. To start, let’s backtrack way back before and during the 2020 election, starting with the money donated by Mark Zuckerberg to place extra ballot boxes concentrated in left-leaning counties such as Delaware County, Pennsylvania:
The Monster Zuckerberg Created, and the Amistad Project’s Painstaking Efforts to Quash It
Among the findings from investigations of voter and election irregularities in key battleground states is the money trail from Mark Zuckerberg to election offices all over the country. This money donated by Zuckerberg, totaling $400 million, became a huge cause for concern.
The concerns arose because Zuckerberg and his wife donated the money to an Illinois-based non-profit corporation, the Center for Tech and Civic Life, which then became tied up in post-election lawsuits. Alluding to COVID-19 as the reason, Zuckerberg and his wife, Priscilla Chan, made the contribution to allow the Center for Tech and Civic Life to help over 2,500 election offices across the country pay for poll workers, install ballot drop boxes, and buy ballot equipment.
The lawsuits were filed by the Amistad project of the Thomas More Society, both before and after the election. Before the election, lawsuits were filed in an attempt to block the funds from being used for the election. In an October 5, 2020 press release, Phill Kline, Director of the Amistad Project, stated that accepting money from a private party such as this is a constitutional violation:
"Private interests do not have to operate with the same transparency and political accountability as government and this lack of transparency allows secret and selective deals to emphasize voter turnout that benefits a select party or candidate while making it harder for others to vote. The purchasing of local election offices by billionaires, if allowed, will open an 'arms race' between other vested and partisan interests to pour monies into select government coffers to direct government activity. Government must not be involved in favoring any private interest or any partisan objective in the management of elections.”
Following the election, the Amistad Project of the Thomas More Society filed additional lawsuits in six states to object to the election results. These lawsuits also identified specific infringements to state laws that the Center for Tech and Civic Life orchestrated.
According to the Epoch Times, the Pennsylvania lawsuit alleges that the placement of ballot boxes purchased by the center were heavily concentrated in left-leaning Delaware County, while the 59 counties that leaned towards Trump had very few ballot boxes. The Georgia lawsuit states that with the help of the Center’s funds, counting centers were strategically moved to urban areas, “to facilitate the movement of hundreds of thousands of questionable ballots in secrecy without legally required bi-partisan observation.”

Philadelphia Freedom Gave Me a Piece of Momma Daddy Never Had
Now, back to my journey to Philadelphia Freedom, and how the timeless classic from Elton John ties in.
About four years before my father died, he sent an email that inspired me to set a goal that I just finally accomplished this year, 12 years since that email was sent and about 8 years since my father passed away. Music is another thing that has run in my family, particularly piano, and I had begun learning it as a child and when I was rude to my teacher my lessons ended but I continued to love music and wanted to learn to play again.
There were other reasons as well I knew the piano was a match for me, such as having long fingers, and my favorite musician being keyboard and Hammond organ genius Steve Winwood. In the email my father Dennis wrote, “I start my keyboard lessons tomorrow. I’m psyched. I want to play the melodies to a few songs like “Let it be” and ‘Philadelphia Freedom’ and write my own lyrics so I can do drugs with a purpose [tongue-in-cheek].”
And then I remembered I was born in Philadelphia, and that there’s one line of the Elton John classic, that Bernie Taupin wrote about tennis legend Billie Jean King, that has significance to my birth. It says, “Philadelphia Freedom took me knee high to a man, and gave me a piece of momma daddy never had.” My dad liked attention, and one of the issues my mother said she had with him was that after I was born he became jealous because he wasn’t getting as much attention anymore from her. In other words, I literally did get ‘a piece of momma that daddy never had.’
There is some controversy around that lyric, however, and some believe that the words are actually “gave me a piece of mind my daddy never had.” Though that would be more of a matter of opinion, it would still be applicable to myself and my father. So, either way it works. We would need to talk to songwriter Bernie Taupin to find out which set of words are the right ones.
And twelve years after that e-mail, eight years after my father’s passing, after several failed attempts to try to get the hang of the keyboards, I finally was able to get the hang of it and just learned the song. Well, I have the first four minutes down, boy is it long! Though since the rest is a lot of repeating the same chords, it’s all downhill from here. It was, in my opinion a quite challenging song to learn, and took me about 5 or 6 months, but I made time almost every day despite everything else I had going on, and it feels amazing to reach yet another goal I wasn’t sure was possible.
And doing it has helped me process so much of what I went through back then, as well as now. Because Philadelphia just may experience more freedom soon. And I haven’t even scratched the surface with the damning and irrefutable election fraud evidence that has been pouring out of Pennsylvania. So, stay tuned for the next chapter, which I will be posting in the near future, which includes videotape evidence of election fraud cover ups, clearing up the misinformation of my real last name, the biblical jubilee and how it plays out nationwide and in my own life, Rocky Balboa and why the two words Apollo Creed resonate so deeply for me at such a time as this.
Though I am definitely no Elton John, here is a short clip of me playing "Philadelphia Freedom":