First Choice, Second Thought: The Decision-Making Process in Our Voting Behavior

Since the crack of dawn, we, the Lebanese, have sought out to consolidate the profound root of our nation as a means of reclaiming the birth of newly renovated Lebanon. In a broader perspective, it goes without a doubt that a citizen feels an intrinsic national commitment to their own designated geographical belonging, their flag, and their united constitution. Nonetheless, a closer insight into the state of life in modern Lebanon, the recent 30 years have served as a rehabilitation and a strife toward the reconstruction of the residual dilemmas of wars, cyclical bloodshed, as well as the disintegrating and the confessional divisions of the greater “good”. Hence, one question remains: what do the “fake news” of October 2021 center around?
Unfortunately, discriminatory practices have constantly been the general bidding guideline for public governance, especially in Lebanon. The uncontrolled, or rather infiltrated, economic score has paved the way for the rise of inconsistent, spoiled authoritative figures who have claimed the throne of ruling the country and its matters. Dimensions fluctuating amidst anti-government sentiment, inequality, and efficiency have all been addressed with little to absolutely no transparency, scrutiny, nor prospective liaison between a citizen and the authority of a constituent part of the Lebanese state. On the other hand, the manners our country has also cultivated have removed all sorts of barriers in the executive, operational and implementation design, in which the banner in and of itself has served to act as a strategic communication program aimed toward a solitary outcome: acquiring the votes, instilling judgments, and guaranteeing a political party which only proceeds to legislate ineffectual governance for as long as the inaccurate public policy formulation has permitted it.
The decision analysis, therefore, pertains to speed, the right to do, compliance, and mapping one’s choices and responsibilities. From the perspective of orienting a catalytic solution-based outcome for the Lebanese citizens, change is considered not only the catalyst, but also a transformation toward a more holistic approach, joining, in turn, external and internal forces sufficiently capable of enabling new means of framing of priorities designated for the voting attitude. Our values, therefore, encapsulate the notion of reinforcing facts and data toward acquiring some sort of a better sliver of not only empathy, but also appropriate, consistent, and effective voting choices.
We, as human beings, were born to live by our liberty of thoughts, to create ideal solutions, and to be proactive. Democracy and the political parties acting in it tinker with the reservations of administrative, legal, and financial amendments, in addition to transferring equal terms amongst all so as to avoid a vacancy in authority or decision-making. By being vocal toward what is right, we therefore open room toward establishing specific foundations for the right opportunities and forthcoming threats. Hence, what we need as the Lebanese nation is to argue for the personal progression of our own benefits and the benefit of our country instead of aiming toward constructing a small, convenient community consisting merely of party leaders which have only ever deployed destructive patterns on their country; this goes to show their continuous failure, resulting in a total economic crisis and socially negative flotations. Pursuing a goal is similar to a road junction: it is up to us, while defining which elements to downgrade and which to upgrade, to take part in deciding our right pertaining to that of the personal power vs. the ruling power shift, given that we need to mandate appropriate rights for people, us included. The ruling class has constantly had the privilege of indulging in random activities, conditions, and their own “augmented reality” of public mobilization, all of which have entitled them as inefficient by proxy in political games. Their continuous resort is to manipulate us so that we re-elect them so that they can consider the fine tool for re-adjustment, using “get us back to parliament” as a cry for help, after which nothing of fruition is witnessed.
The key features in this article aim to portray how Lebanese in and of themselves are usually the regulators specifically when things go askew, without giving in to their uncertainties and frequency of those occurrences. Clearly, the circumstances are easily observable, for there remains no absolute or relative opportunism on the Lebanese grounds, therefore causing the rise of moral hazard problems. It is unquestionable that the higher the uncertainty, the more leeway for a new ruling class is feasible, but we need to avoid the absorption of incomplete and distorted information. The political parties are known for their constant playing of tricks and transforming one’s daily struggle as Lebanese citizens into a studied self-projection of the elections. Those people, in turn, falsely present a variety of methods aimed toward amending the catastrophic predicaments that have befallen the country, all of which are nothing but measures of manipulating the truth and therefore increasing their own futile spending, as is the case in our normal public rights, such as access to healthcare and public insurance, the public finance, and public procurement.
Should one assume a political role-making aiming toward the rise of a righteous tomorrow, one must consider methods as to how to frame, reframe, and perceive this political role-making. This takes place through flattening the curve of a political system by holding authentic accountability and scrutiny, without intimidating institutional references or public litigations through referendums, polls, petitions, and primary and secondary sources in conducting analysis. A major focus centers around how the future can evolve from the moment of speaking toward a new year on the verge of the horizon, given that population growth, birth rates, power shifts, budget deficits, political stability, cultural changing values, spending patterns, saving patterns, and investment levels are all elements behind identifying and choosing whether the current political party figures have a negative or positive impact on our issues of concern. Thus, by commencing to develop each scenario storyline, one way to start this process is to place all the elements within a scenario along a ‘timeline’, starting at today’s point in time and ending at the point in time captured in the scenario year horizon. It is also crucial to evaluate for facts in the present and future between the latter elements. For this reason, storylines are more plausible when some elements are causally related, for time precedence is often a good cue to predicting potential causality and factual arrangements. Decisions are then tested and one as a voter gets to select through the constituents of the science of the latter proposal a better understanding of the future ahead, in addition to what tackles its sum of duties, service units, audit, and the overall value voting choice.
While going to vote, we, as Lebanese, are doomed to compare Risks Vs. Uncertainties and take into consideration the economic and security risks, in addition to matters of fraud and reputation emerging in the distance due to these risks and uncertainties.